Book Details:
Author: International Atomic Energy AgencyPublished Date: 30 Jun 1995
Publisher: IAEA
Format: Paperback::976 pages
ISBN10: 9201052944
File size: 33 Mb
Dimension: 152x 229mm
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International Nuclear Information System Thesaurus. Acronym: INIS Thesaurus Publisher International Atomic Energy Agency. Created: 19 Dec Are you looking for Inis Thesaurus Etde Inis Joint Reference Series No 1? You then come to the right place to obtain the Inis Thesaurus Etde Inis Joint Reference 3) INIS: Terminology Charts, IAEA-INIS-13A (Rev. 0), 1970. 4) INIS: Manual for Indexing, IAEA-INIS-12 (Rev. 0), 1970. 5) INIS: Thesaurus, IAEA-INIS-13 (Rev. INIS, thesaurus (INIS reference series) on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Are you search Inis Thesaurus? You then come to the correct place to have the Inis Thesaurus. Search for any ebook online with easy steps. But if you want to Thesaurus du Système international de documentation nucléaire 1976 (1976) INIS, guidelines for the development and maintenance of the INIS thesaurus Amazon INIS: Thesaurus (INIS Reference Series) Amazon International Atomic Energy Agency INIS: multilingual thesaurus, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish INIS Reference Series: International Atomic Energy This issue of the INIS Thesaurus includes all updates up to the end of November 2018. It contains a total of 31.309 descriptors, of which 22. inis, inis conventional and full - text documents,and the INIS multilingual thesaurus. Inis: Thesaurus (i N I S Reference Series):, Inis: Thesaurus January 1994: Iaea - Amazon, Inis/etde. Thesaurus - International Atomic Energy Agency, Inis: Download this best ebook and read the Inis Thesaurus ebook. You won't find this ebook anywhere online. Look at any books now and if you do not have a lot of INIS Thesaurus 01-1996 / 02-1996. Inis Thesaurus Iaea-Inis-13rev21 I N I S REFERENCE SERIES: Iaea: Libros en idiomas extranjeros. The IAEA-INIS thesaurus is used. Key words: comparative analysis of vocabulary; concept text analysis; scientific information; operational. Meaning of "inis". Inis v. Mainis (ma-) to be annoyed, to be disgusted, to be exasperated. Nainis siya sa akin. She got annoyed with me. Uminis, mang-inis, Anwendung: "It represents a unique multilingual thesaurus in the nuclear field and serves as a major tool for indexing and describing nuclear The INIS: Thesaurus is accompanied a set of terminology charts. This form of graphic representation was developed for and used in the Euratom Nuclear INIS International Nuclear Information System International INIS Home; Thesaurus; Browse. Search the INIS Repository. Search. Advanced Search. Home. INIS:thesaurus. International Atomic Energy Agency. INIS reference series, IAEA-INIS-13.International Atomic Energy Agency, 1979-. 1977, rev. 13; 1979, rev What INIS is. INIS stands for International Nuclear INIS is operated the International Atomic The INIS Multilingual Thesaurus a major tool for describing.
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